Fuji Triage - 1:1 Kit Pink
Glass ionomer sealant and surface protection material.
- No isolation required.
- No bonding agent required.
- Works in a moist field.
And you don’t have to worry about sealing over immature enamel or non-cavitated lesions. Self-bonding GC Fuji TRIAGE with its high fluoride release, creates a strong, acid-resistant fused layer.
- Seals and protects tooth enamel
- Six times more fluoride than any other sealant
Releases fluoride for up to 24 months to help prevent decay from acid and bacteria. Triage White is for fully erupted teeth; Triage Pink offers a visual indicator that is ideal for newly erupted molars
- 15g powder
- 10g (8ml) liquid
- 6g (5.7ml) dentin conditioner
- accessories